Happy Birthday to Me….

Happy Birthday to Me….

photo(1)I’m now 53!  My birthday is 9-5.  Here are few random thoughts about my birthday and events of the past year.

The well wishes started the night before with a text from my son, Grant.  I received another 20 or so text messages and about another 90-100 congrats on Facebook.

I got 2 phone calls; my dad and my mother-in-law.

I received 4 cards;  1 each from 2 offices and the surgical center, and one from my mother-in-law.

I received my favorite birthday cake.  AM from Woodburn Surgical Center personally delivered my carrot cake…on her day off!  Thanks AM!

Times have changed.

FaceBook and Texting

I replied personally to every “Happy Birthday” I received on FaceBook and via text.  Social media and texting (from a cell phone) has made communications so much easier and convenient.  I appreciated everyone’s personal time to remember my birthday…even if electronic.

I would never think of writing to thank someone for sending a card via snail mail.

So the next time  you see someone working on their cell phone…they might be wishing someone Happy Birthday.

AARP and Health

Ugh.  Really?  Yes, I am now a member.  Truth is, they had a great dental plan for the family.  Amy switched jobs and now works for our marketing company full time and, thus, had to find new health plans.

I am in relatively good health.  I try not to doctor myself, too much.  Playing the role of patient; however, is very difficult for me.  I don’t like going to another doctor’s office.

I exercise at least 5 times a week.  Cardio tennis is my favorite outlet.  I’ve been promoting our club’s cardio tennis program for over 18 months and now have even more respect for professional tennis players.  I think they must be the best conditioned athletes.

Memory Loss and Medicine Bottles

Seems to me to be occurring more frequently.  I know I know the answer to something and I used to get frustrated.  Now, I just wait with confidence that I’ll remember…in a few minutes.  I wonder why remembering names is the most difficult.

I recently realized that my nighttime bathroom break usually does not wake anyone up, but opening my medicine bottles in the morning does.

Recertification Examination

I sat for my recertification examination yesterday.  What an experience.  First of all, no #2 pencils!

My exam was taken at a Prometric testing center.  I was to carry my photo ID at all times.  No personal articles were allowed including phone and watch.  My personal affects were stored in a locker.

I was escorted to a small booth containing my computer.  Each test taker (many people taking a variety of tests) was monitored by an individual camera.


I took a break between each of 3 parts of my exam.  This required that I sign out and present my ID.

To reenter, I had to;

  1. Present ID
  2. Resign my signature
  3. Lift my pant legs and prove my pockets were empty.
  4. Undergo hand held metal detector screening.

TSA couldn’t do a better job.  Fortunately, no cavity search…this time.

Enjoy the year!




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