Wong Turns 50!

Wong Turns 50!

I turned 50 this past Labor Day Weekend.  It was a fun weekend of celebration.  A couple parties Sunday and last night.  I was able to celebrate with many people, those that live close and those that don’t.

I am probably younger than most of my readers (and followers).   Retinal disease can hit all ages, but tends to concentrate more heavily on the > 50 age group.  Therefore, I am not musing about what I “think” this will mean, because most of you already know better.

Randall Wong, M.D., Fairfax, Virginia

Taken with iPhone

More Traditional

Amy and the kids threw two parties.  We had most of our close friends Sunday and my cousin and brother last night.

I received dozens of well-wishes from friends and family on Facebook.  I received none from Twitter or LinkedIn.  Several of my kids’ friends texted me.

My office staff surprised me with a lunchtime birthday cake on Friday!  Caught me off guard.  Thank you everyone.  I was touched.  Nice surprise.

More Messages

  • I received one digital card wishing me happy birthday (from my aunt).
  • I received only one email (another aunty).
  • I got one phone call (yet another aunt).

Technology Keeps Us Together

Both my father, my wife and my brother thought I’d like an iPad.  Though I’ve been shopping for one for my wife (another big bday coming up soon), I never thought about it for myself.  Apparently others had.

I misplaced my phone for the past 12 hours (seems to be happening a lot lately).  Am now much more comfortable having my “tools” by my side.  When the two college kids returned to campus last night, they texted me about their status.  I like to know they are…you know, safe.  (Without the text messages, I did call one and got an email from the other).

I started a family blog last week.  This is to involve everyone directly related to my family by blood or marriage.  There seems to be a lot of energy about it…we’ll see.  May be a perfect way for this day and age for us all to “follow” each other.

I have been in medical practice for about 18 years.  This is, more or less, my half way point professionally (random thought, but this, too, seems more frequent).

My father and I video chat at least daily.  Morning is usually best for us.  We both seem to be on the computer at the same time.  I’ve been waking up earlier and earlier these days (sounding familiar?).  He lives on the west coast (uh, oh).

The Verb “To Follow”

As I continue my involvement with the Internet, the verb “to follow” becomes more meaningful.  Initially introduced as  a term for those that use Twitter, I find it is really just a “new” synonym for describing what we have all been doing for years;  we meet people, we stay in touch, we communicate.

Moreso than any other post, I have included more personal aspects of my life today.  Those of you that “follow” my blog can see this is not my usual type of post.  I think there is now a place for some more “personality” to be injected to this site.

What Does This Mean? I celebrated my birthday with so many people this weekend, most of whom I didn’t actually “see.”  It is so easy to keep in touch these days, there are so many devices (phones, video, computer) and ways (email, text, IM, blog).  Each and every device appeals to a certain personality.

It seems trivial, at first, when someone mentions that they are “following” someone on the web via social media.  It is a very powerful concept (distinct from stalking).  For instance, learning about someone else’s preferences and opinions teaches about our options.

“To follow” someone means to get to know someone.  It’s no different than having a casual conversation with someone, following up on the phone or exchanging business cards.  We used to say that we “met” someone.  We like to meet people.  It gives insight about everything we do.

Thanks for “following.”

  • Rick Barnes
    Posted at 12:12h, 07 September Reply

    Happy belated Birthday!!!

  • Sondra Unverferth
    Posted at 13:39h, 07 September Reply

    Happy belated Birthday! It sounds like you had a wonderful time.

  • jim Powers
    Posted at 13:56h, 07 September Reply

    So thats what this blogging is about, interesting and of course all new to me! JP

    • Randall V. Wong, M.D.
      Posted at 15:20h, 12 September Reply

      Yes! It has become a great way to stay in touch with patients!



  • J P Hickey
    Posted at 14:53h, 07 September Reply

    From two of those “much over fifties” LATE HAPPY BIRTHDAY. J P & Joan Hickey

  • Gale and Joe Long
    Posted at 20:20h, 07 September Reply

    50 years—- a half century, a landmark historically: the next one, a century- you are not likely to make. 50 years- long enough to have seen and understand what is real and what is true, and to still be healthy and active enough to enjoy that wisdom………..

    Best wishes, Dr. Wong….. you are a real guy and a real doctor. While we don’t have to come back to see you if we did at>50 there would not be the fear we felt the first time. Thanks.

  • teresa weber
    Posted at 21:47h, 07 September Reply

    Wow! That was so insightful and so true 🙂

  • Aissa
    Posted at 16:57h, 11 September Reply

    Sorry to be a bit late but it is your birthday month… Happy Birthday Master Wong!!!

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