
Overview Macular Degeneration (Age Related Macular Degeneration/ ARMD)  is the leading cause of blindness in the world. It destroys the very sensitive portion of the retina, called the macula. It usually affects both eyes and is progressive. By destroying the macula, central vision is usually...

Overview A detached retina is potentially blinding. The retina is the light sensitive tissue that lines the inside of the eye. A retinal tear or hole usually leads to a retinal detachment. Floaters can sometimes be the earliest, and only, symptom. Many times there is...

Posterior Vitreous Detachment Causes Retinal Tears A posterior vitreous detachment, or PVD, is a common cause of a retinal tear. A PVD is normal physiologic event and eventually happens to everyone. When it occurs, there is a higher than normal chance of forming a retinal...

Retinal Detachment Symptoms Retinal detachment symptoms include new floaters, flashes and loss of your peripheral vision. Most retinal detachments are called “rhegmatogenous” retinal detachments and start with a retinal tear or retinal hole (“rhegma” is a tear or break).Flashes and Floaters Are Due to Vitreous...