Ooops! Forgot to Add the Video

Ooops! Forgot to Add the Video

Yesterday, I posted an article about a Vitrectomy for floaters, FOV.

I forgot to embed the video.

I’ve since embedded the video. Here’s a link to the vitrectomy video for floaters.

It’s Memorial Day weekend in the U.S.  Enjoy the holiday!

We are off to a hockey tournament this weekend!

All the best.


  • Cherie
    Posted at 10:27h, 31 October Reply

    I had FOV 2 weeks ago and now I have two a new floaters. It has a few black dots and looks like a cob web. It is sometimes in my vision and other times off to the side or top of my eye. Seems to be very mobile. Before the surgery I had a vitreous detachment that very much interfered with my vision. In your opinion why would I have these new floaters? Is it possible I will need these removed again?

    • Randall V. Wong, M.D.
      Posted at 11:46h, 08 November Reply

      Dear Cherie,

      Probably have too much vitreous left, or, small amount of bleeding after surgery…which is common and should resolve without a repeat operation.


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