Technical Timeout – I Need Feedback!

Technical Timeout – I Need Feedback!

No post this AM.  Check out my new pics in the header!

I am trying to find out if the site takes along time to download.  Would like my readers to actually check the site at some point and I would like to hear if you note a long time downloading the site.

You may email me or “comment” as you prefer.




TWITTER :  Retinadoc

FACEBOOK:  Randall Wong

  • Dave Cooper
    Posted at 06:01h, 16 September Reply

    Cox downloaded it instantaneously.

  • Fruzsi
    Posted at 06:10h, 16 September Reply

    Not slow at all. First page took 5.35 seconds (pic of heathy retina came up). After that, all others were much slower. I’m on wireless broadband which is typically slower than other connections so I’m guessing it will load quicker for others. Nice choices on the images.

  • aissa
    Posted at 08:07h, 16 September Reply

    your blog from yesterday is showing up flowers again.

  • dodge
    Posted at 09:26h, 16 September Reply

    working great and very speedy for me

  • J P Hickey
    Posted at 11:43h, 16 September Reply

    I also had instant picture on COX

  • Fruzsi
    Posted at 18:29h, 16 September Reply

    Correction to my previous post: “… After that, all others were much QUICKER.” One word can make a difference 🙂 Sorry about that.

  • gale long
    Posted at 13:54h, 17 September Reply

    No problem on download on Comcast-actually like the email announcing the topic of the blog so if it doesn’t apply to my husband’s ( or potentially mine ) problem I can read at my leisure—-

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